


Niche Jungle Indonesian Infrastructure Small Caps SDG

02 Nov 2023, Posted by admin in

ndonesia is a country with great hidden potentials. Its territory is huge, highly fertile, rich in commodities. The weather and thousands of pristine beaches make it ideal for tourism. The population is relaxed and friendly.The corporate governance is, by emerging markets standards, definitely good. The...

Niche Jungle Korea Reunification SDG

04 Aug 2022, Posted by admin in

outh Korea is the ideal market to play through a value approach, as it is cheap, and its economy is growing healthy. Beside this, it has a terrific catalyst, this being a reunification or some form of rapprochement, with North Korea. This event could be...

Niche Jungle Japanese Orphan Companies SDG

04 Aug 2022, Posted by admin in

rokers coverage is essential when attracting investors interest, improving liquidity and valuations. However, after +20 years of bear market, there are many companies in Japan that are undercovered; we call them “orphan companies”. Reason being coverage can be expensive, time demanding, brokers have cut the...